Dyspepsia is a symptom and not a diagnosis Functional dyspepsia was defined as “upper abdominal or retrosternal pain or discomfort, heartburn, nausea or vomiting or other symptoms considered to be referable to the proximal alimentary tract and lasting for more than 4 weeks, unrelated to exercise and for which no focal lesion or systemic disease can be responsible Rome criteria Symptoms of dyspepsia are divided into: reflux-type (retrosternal burning, regurgitation), ulcer-type (epigastric pain on empty stomach relieved with bland food, antacids or acid suppression drugs), dysmotility-type (postprandial fullness, distension, early satiety, nausea). Rome II criteria excluded symptoms of reflux-type, irritable bowel syndrome (pain relieved with defecation, with diarrhoea or constipation) and hepatobiliary diseases (biliary dyskinesia); chronicity of symptoms for 12 weeks at least (not continuous) during 12 months was emphasised. Rome III criteria divide...